Spending your spare time doing the 5 things listed below will make and save you a great deal of money. You'll earn cash, merchandise, gift cards and at the same time, you won't have to leave the comfort of you home. Doing things this way can be very entertaining and how much money you make depends on the time you invest in accomplishing you goal.
1. Research and join a focus group in your area. You will receive payment by cash or check for your time. They tend to pay anywhere from $20-$200 for 30 minutes to 2 hours worth of your time. Some companies even conduct focus groups by phone. In this case, you won't have to leave your home.
2. Be a product tester. Every product you see on the market has been tested at some point. There are companies that will send you the product for free, give you time to test and try it, then you will have to complete a survey on the product. They will even pay for you ship the empty packaging back to them. On top of that, most companies pay you to complete the survey.
3. Mystery shoppers are in high demand. Many companies will reimburse you for meals, clothing, movie outings, ect. You might also get paid on top of being reimbursed. That's double the benefit!
4. Research online coupons from your local grocery stores, clothing stores and restaurants. We all have to shop, but this is an awesome way to save money doing it. Never pay retail again! Plan your meals for the week based on the coupons your store offers. Also, be sure to shop on the discount racks.
5. Paticipate in paid survey sites. Only participate with legitimate companies. Be sure to do your research before committing. Legitimate companies will never ask you to pay a dime. They will pay you by either, PayPal, check, gift cards or merchandise.
Good luck and enjoy making a couple extra dollars. I will be continuing in this 6 Part Series entitled "You're Worth It!." Be sure to check back for Part II coming soon!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
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